
A Living and Loving Spirituality that Engages both the Heart and the Mind

You are most welcome to join us

Belper Unitarians

We are a loving community of spiritual seekers, diverse in opinion yet united by our common search for truth and our desire to support each other in that search.

Not quite sure what a Unitarian is? Simply read this...


What is a Unitarian?

The Unitarians are a spiritual community who encourage you to think for yourself.
You are welcome here. We are building open-minded, loving, spiritually-grounded communities – and have been for 300 years. If you are interested in becoming a formal member of the chapel, please speak to David Burton.


"A Faith Worth Thinking About"


Our Next Services

All Sunday services start at 11am unless otherwise stated

  • Sun 2nd June - Mr Kieran Mardle-Moss (Unitarian Ministry Student)
  • Sun 9th June - No Service at Chapel.
    Congregational visit to Stannington Unitarian Chapel, Sheffield. (Mini-bus leaves Field Row at 9.20am)
  • Sun 16th June - Mary Cole (11am)
    Annual Joint District Service (3pm) at Great Meeting Unitarian Chapel, Hinckley followed by tea.
  • Sun 23rd June - Rev Maria Pap (Minister of the Old Meeting House, Mansfield)
  • Sun 30th June - Judith Pugsley - Books in my life
  • Sun 7th July - Ruth Beck and friends - “Why Bother”? Finding meaning and purpose in a broken world.
  • Sun 14th July - Mr Kieran Mardle-Moss (Unitarian Ministry Student)
  • Sun 21st July - Mr Kevin Stone
  • Sun 28th July - Christina Smith (Unitarian Ministry Student & Former Chapel Member)


Kind Words...

those calm moments shared last Sunday Morning in our Chapel were uplifting and spiritually refreshing as we listened to Professor Hugh McLeod a Derby Quaker - It always surprises me that our relaxed embracing approach attracts so few people living in Belper - without people we just have an empty historic building !

Eve CrawfordProduct Designer, That Biz

It was a lovely service from Maria, painful at times but glad to be with others to share feelings and in a safe space to rant.

Really interesting and informative service with a lovely community of people.

My thanks to Rowan for his thoughtful devotions today at our morning service with the two guest speakers from “ Upbeat Communities “ time well spent listening & learning rather than disinformation ! ⭐️

Beautiful, we have such lovely memories of you and Mum there. The external stairs & the crypt. And all the friendly people who attended.

Such a poignant service and so much to take away and contemplate. Thanks to all those who shared their precious memories and thoughts.

The beautiful photograph of the trees / so well complements our first reading at this mornings service from John Andrew Storey entitled, “ Leafs “ For many of us today at Belper Unitarian Chapel it was spiritually rewarding to have a committed Quaker sharing his approach to faith -⭐️

I sat there many time’s especially at Sunday school anniversary reciting poems. We used to sell the harvest produce for charity at the old Sunday school building on Monday, happy days

I commend these powerful words trusting that as an individual I will always have the courage to challenge those full of bigotry & hate within my life journey. Too often I play it safe rather than challenging such cruel human beings !

Curious About Us?

If you're thinking about paying us a visit, but want to get to know us a little first, why not follow our Facebook page where members chat, share and discover Belper Unitarians.


Belper Unitarian Chapel, Field Row, just off Green Lane, Belper, DE56 1DG
